Looking at a child's breathing pattern provides much information about their health and general well-being. Learning to breathe well at a young age will give your child the best start, with many benefits well into the future.
We have a particular interest in:
We have a particular interest in:
- Asthma management
- Shortness of breath with play or sport
- Vocal cord dysfunction/Exercise Induced Laryngeal Obstruction
- Mouth breathers/snorers
- Sleep-related disorders
- Coughing
- Other respiratory conditions
- Focus/Attention: Teachers are noticing more and more that children won't sit still. They are doing more multi-tasking with ever increasing technology in their lives. Learning to breathe well improves focus and performance at school and in sport.
How Breathe Well Physio Helps
During the first visit, we want a good understanding of what is going on with your child. We will ask questions about activity, rest, sleep, school, play and past health history. Often there is a connection between these things that may be contributing to symptoms of shortness of breath, chest pain or anxiety. Then will observe your child's breathing patterns at rest, and often during activity to see if we can discover where things are mismatched. With kids, it often only takes a couple of visits to learn new, efficient breathing patterns and they are off to the races, so to speak.